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Unraveling the Meaning of Location Determination in Small-Scale Land Acquisition under the Job Creation Law and PP 19/2021
Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

13 Juni 2024

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Unraveling the Meaning of Location Determination in Small-Scale Land Acquisition under the Job Creation Law and PP 19/2021


Land acquisition for public interest often becomes a complex topic requiring special attention. Law Number 11 of 2020, better known as the Job Creation Law, was introduced as an effort to simplify and accelerate various processes, including land acquisition. Government Regulation Number 19 of 2021 provides a more detailed explanation regarding the implementation of land acquisition for public interest development, offering further clarity on several provisions within the Job Creation Law.

Small-Scale Land Acquisition: Challenges and Solutions

One of the important points in the Job Creation Law is the acquisition of small-scale land. Although this law aims to facilitate the process, some provisions may cause confusion, particularly related to small-scale land acquisition. To address this issue, PP Number 19 of 2021 provides more detailed guidelines.

In an effort to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, the Job Creation Law allows small-scale land acquisition to be conducted through direct purchase with location determination by the Regent or Mayor. At first glance, this seems to imply that every small-scale land acquisition must go through location determination by the Regent or Mayor. However, further clarification in PP Number 19 of 2021 states that small-scale land acquisition can be chosen to be done either directly or through a certain procedural stage.

Efficiency and Effectiveness in Land Acquisition

This step is taken to ensure that the land acquisition process can proceed more efficiently and effectively. Small-scale land acquisition often involves plots that are not significant in size but are crucial for infrastructure development projects. Therefore, providing flexibility in the acquisition method becomes very important.

The direct purchase method can reduce the time and costs required, allowing projects to proceed more quickly. On the other hand, if certain conditions necessitate the use of procedural stages, this option remains available to ensure that all legal and administrative aspects are met.


With the issuance of PP Number 19 of 2021, the government aims to provide clarity and flexibility in the implementation of small-scale land acquisition. Through a combination of direct purchase and procedural stages, it is hoped that this process can proceed more efficiently and effectively, supporting the acceleration of infrastructure development needed by the public.

Going forward, it is expected that these provisions can be well-implemented, so that the main goal of the Job Creation Law, which is to create a conducive investment climate and accelerate national development, can be optimally achieved.



Equator Group