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Stakeholder Engagement
Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

13 Mei 2024

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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

In project implementation, stakeholder mapping is a crucial step in ensuring smoothness and success. Stakeholders are not only limited to the parties directly involved in the field, but also include various stakeholders at the district, provincial, even national, even international level, if the project is global.

For international-scale projects, the important question to be answered is: is there an NGO that has a network up to the international level? The more complex a project is, the more important it is to understand and engage the various stakeholders properly.

Project donors usually pay great attention to the social and environmental aspects. They would ask, "Is there any NGO concerned with social or environmental issues related to this project?"

In the case of projects that potentially cause environmental damage, stakeholder mapping should be carried out thoroughly, even to cross-provincial, cross-district, even cross-global levels, especially if the project site contains critical habitats. (habitat kritis).

Environment screening processes not only rely on primary data collected directly in the field, but can also leverage secondary data from various documents. Donors, with their extensive experience and knowledge, generally have a better understanding of the implications of a project than the execution team. Therefore, when they find out that the project is complex, they will ask for a more integrated stakeholder mapping.


Equator Group