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Government Regulation No. 19 of 2021 and Small-Scale Land Procurement Methods


Government Regulation No. 19 of 2021 and Small-Scale Land Procurement Methods

Government Regulation No. 19 of 2021 and the relevant ministerial regulations provide more detailed guidance...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

14 Juni 2024

Unraveling the Meaning of Location Determination in Small-Scale Land Acquisition under the Job Creation Law and PP 19/2021


Unraveling the Meaning of Location Determination in Small-Scale Land Acquisition under the Job Creation Law and PP 19/2021

  Land acquisition for public interest often becomes a complex topic requiring special attention....

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

13 Juni 2024

Menelusuri Perubahan Terbaru dalam UU Pengadaan Tanah Akibat UU Cipta Kerja


Menelusuri Perubahan Terbaru dalam UU Pengadaan Tanah Akibat UU Cipta Kerja

    Dalam dunia hukum tanah Indonesia, revisi undang-undang seringkali menjadi sorotan, terutama...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

12 Juni 2024

Ensuring Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The Importance of a Social Team in the DED Process


Ensuring Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The Importance of a Social Team in the DED Process

  The Importance of Considering Impacts During Construction In any infrastructure...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

11 Juni 2024

Why Engineering Teams Need to be Accompanied by Safeguard Experts: Overcoming Field Challenges


Why Engineering Teams Need to be Accompanied by Safeguard Experts: Overcoming Field Challenges

  In infrastructure projects, implementing safeguard documents covering environmental and social...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

7 Juni 2024

The Importance of Utility Coordination in Infrastructure Projects: Avoiding Conflicts and Ensuring Efficiency


The Importance of Utility Coordination in Infrastructure Projects: Avoiding Conflicts and Ensuring Efficiency

In this era of continuous modernization, infrastructure projects have become the backbone of economic...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

6 Juni 2024

Equator Group