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Menelusuri Perubahan Terbaru dalam UU Pengadaan Tanah Akibat UU Cipta Kerja


Menelusuri Perubahan Terbaru dalam UU Pengadaan Tanah Akibat UU Cipta Kerja

    Dalam dunia hukum tanah Indonesia, revisi undang-undang seringkali menjadi sorotan, terutama...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

12 Juni 2024

The Importance of Grievance Redress Mechanism in Land Acquisition


The Importance of Grievance Redress Mechanism in Land Acquisition

In the land acquisition stage, it is recognized that there are agencies that require land for various...

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

29 Mei 2024

Project Impact Mapping: Understanding the Interaction between Influence and Impact


Project Impact Mapping: Understanding the Interaction between Influence and Impact

  From these locations, impact mapping will be conducted from the perspective of those affected....

Admin Equator Group

Admin Equator Group

13 Mei 2024

Equator Group